My Girl’s Pink Dress

My 16-year-old found out about a contest called Own Your Look put on by JoAnn’s craft stores where girls ages 14-18 make their prom dress!  She asked if she could enter…. and showed me the prize list…. unbelievably, first prize is $50,000 for college.  I said, “Of course you’re entering!”     Duh!

Larisa has sewn before… but not a prom dress.  She’s made quilts, purses, funky skirts, groovy t-shirt modifications, pillows, etc.  This was one small step for man and one giant step for mankind.  So……. Day #1….a day of prom dress shopping commenced, including lunch at the mall, of course.  She tried on all sorts of dresses and she fell in love with one.  A simple gray number with one rose-covered shoulder and a high waistband.  It fit her perfectly. 

Day #2… shopping for a pattern.  This sounds all easy and fun, and it kind of was.  It was just long and drawn out and we should have gotten ice cream first… or at least some chocolate.  We did locate and purchase a pattern however many alterations would be necessary to build the gray dress.

Day #3…. shopping for fabric, zipper, thread, mask, feathers, etc. etc.  We took Grandma along that time because she took home ec for 14 years.  (haha) As soon as we picked her up, she said we should start with Starbucks!  (See why we brought her!)  We wandered around and around JoAnn’s looking for fabric in the right color and right texture.  We wandered so long that Grandma had to go sit in the pattern book section while Larisa and I wandered some more.  THEN, with the cart full of goodies, Larisa casually commented, “Mom, you know I don’t have a date for prom and I’m not old enough to go alone.”  WHAT?!?  Maybe we should have talked through this little blip before Day #3!  All was finally settled.  She needed the money for college.  We would find a date.  Turns out the homeschool prom allows girls to invite girls.  Good!  (Good grief!)

Days #4-23 were spent praying on our knees before the sewing machine.  (I’m kind of kidding.)  Larisa did a marvelous job sewing this dress!  I did not sew one blinkin’ pink thing on the gown.  All her!  And her hand beading is meticulous and gorgeous. She designed fuchsia flowers, instead of the common roses, with beads hanging out of each one.  Beautiful.  She found a fuchsia drawing online and reworked it to fit the waist band…. I am so proud of her.  She also made a mask, as an accessory for the contest.  Enjoy the photos!

The contest isn’t until summer, but believe me, I’ll keep you posted!  Did I mention that I’m so proud of her!?!

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9 Responses to “My Girl’s Pink Dress”

  1. busyfingers101 Says:

    Oh my word – the dress is stunning!! I would say she stands a very good chance of winning – and a career in fashion design too!

    Well done Larisa and good luck!

  2. Teri Davis Says:

    Now I know how old Larisa is and I am proud of her also!!! This challenge she took on will be an inspiration to Tai, who is obsessed with designing and sewing her own things (though she is only in the beginning stages). Next weekend my mom comes to visit and is supposed to bring our Singer that she has been storing for the last year for me. Pray for Tai’s success as well. I love yah, Linda! Always an inspiration to me!

  3. craftystaci Says:

    This dress is gorgeous. The hand beading and flower at the shoulder are both great details. Talented girl you have there!

  4. The Robers Says:

    A very pretty dress on a beautiful girl. Gram Rober

  5. Grace Says:

    It was such fun being a part of the fabric selection and excitement of planning the dress and accessories. I am one proud grandma. I did a lot of sewing through the years and I know the satisfaction of a job finished and well done. Way to go Larisa!!! Love you.

  6. Christy Butcher Says:

    The dress is so very beautiful. I am very impressed! I will be praying that she wins!!!

  7. Jennie C. Says:

    I’m truly in awe.

  8. LaRae Says:

    Are you kidding me??? Gorgeous! Does she give lessons? I’m having a hard time turning Keilani’s highwater pants into shorts! Very beautiful!

  9. Kellee Says:

    The dress is beautiful! Love her choice of a mask for an accesory. My daughter is also entering. Enjoyed looking at the competiton. And your daughter has definately set the bar high! Thanks for sharing!

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