Posts Tagged ‘Weight Loss Cure’

Organic… Here I Come!

May 4, 2010

 My daughter, yes, the one who is driving, wrote her most exhaustive term paper this year on America’s Obesity.  I proofread it for her and was shocked at the statistics and the sad food facts about us Americans.  I was secretly thankful she did not ask me for a personal interview for the paper.  I mean, first hand interviews are legit and all, but still.  Not something I want on my resume.

About a month ago we went on a hike out in the cactus infested wilderness with friends of ours and the gal talked about all the same information for the entire hike… plus more.  Don’t get me wrong, the information was interesting and I was indeed interested.  She referred me to a book which I found at the local library (my second home)  and have read and re-read it several times now… well, at least parts of it.  The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You to Know About by Trudeau, no, not the Canadian Prime Minister.  It’s a conspiracy theory in all reality…. and quite engaging.

Because of the paper and the book, my daughter, yes, the one who is driving, decided with me to go organic and do some cleanses… long overdue cleanses.  Never done in my lifetime cleanses.  And drink tea… special teas from Trader Joe’s that I can’t pronounce the names of.  I don’t like tea that much and I am now reminded why… they taste similar to wet cardboard mixed with weeds.  But I’m drinking them and feeling so cleansed.  My gallbladder has never felt so free.  I do enjoy chai, but of course, it’s not on the list to cleanse any clogged organs.

That inner cry for Oreos and Cheetos will hopefully be suppressed by tea and organic peanut butter….. what inner cry, you ask?  Just you watch:

We will keep you posted on our organic journey as we breathe deeply, jump on the trampoline, walk, sing, dance and cleanse.  That noise?  That’s my pancreas singing with glee.