Posts Tagged ‘hot pink’

I got a New Website!

June 4, 2016

A new website may not seem exciting to those of you who are savvy in the tech world, but I am not, so it is to me. My previous website was built in 2008…. can you believe that? And it disappeared into the cyber never-never land when they tried to process my hosting fee on a debit card that died a painful death months ago. Then I didn’t get to it in time and it is GONE. Just like that. Don’t let your website disappear by procrastinating updating your debit card number! Learn from my mistakes, people.

To the rescue came my incredibly talented and intelligent sister-in-law, Jennie, who is a computer geek and so good at it. She simply “whipped up” a new site for me. It’s sharp, clean and direct. She amazes me and I am grateful we married into the same family so we could be sisters.

Go have a looksie:


Hot pink, black and some Kelly green thrown in for contrast. Makes me happy.

Thank you, Jennie! You da bomb-diggety!


The 2nd Gerber Daisy has Raised its Sleep Head

April 15, 2010

Gerber daisies take FOREVER to bloom.  Seriously, it’s only about 4 to 5 weeks, but the anticipation of a burst of beauty makes it seem longer.  WAY longer.  Back in March, my first Gerber daisy bloomed and was taken down by a wet towel thrown by a child that I gave birth to.  Unbelievable.  Then a bud appeared…. the promise of life anew….weeks later she opened her drowsy eyes and lifted her hot pink head.  FINALLY!  (Yes, I dragged my son out there to witness the beauty and miracle of nature to increase his appreciation of God’s hand in our backyard. He didn’t actually thank me, but I felt the thankfulness emanating from his little heart.)

The exceedingly good news is that there is already another bud forming….. so in May, I’ll have continual hot pink yummy eye candy to behold.

April is so wonderfully warm and inviting in Phoenix…. leads to the illusion that summer might linger off in the distance a while longer!  Makes me want to sit in the backyard swing and forget the laundry, the homeshooled youngin’s, cooking, cleaning, carpooling, etc., etc., etc.

The name of the following flower is still a mystery.  Please share your wisdom in the comment section concerning the name of said purple flower.

That is all.  Hasta luego.